Crane Storage, Mobilization and Installation for Offshore Transporter Vessels

Core was commissioned by Hornbeck Offshore, a leading provider of marine transportation services, to receive, store and install heavy-lift cranes for use on newly constructed offshore supply and installation vessels. This is an ongoing project and required Core’s team to engineer specific solutions for receiving and transporting the cranes to storage as well as moving them dockside for installation.
Decommissioning of Hero Demolition’s Safe Britannia

In July 2016, Hero Demolition Corporation hired Core for our deepwater port facility as well as operational capacity to execute a project involving their accommodation semisubmersible, the Safe Britannia. They docked the rig at our private port facility to remove and scrap the underwater thrusters, lowering the overall weight of the rig for total decommissioning at […]
Receiving and Long-Term Storage of Equipment for Subsea 7

Subsea 7 is a seabed-to-surface engineering, construction and services contractor for the offshore energy industry. In 2006, Subsea 7 contracted with Core for long-term shore-based services as well as storage, maintenance and mobilization of project equipment. In March 2016, Subsea 7 needed support to prepare the FMOG Holstein for three oilfield projects in the Gulf […]
Refurbishment of Technip’s Flagship Vessel — The Deep Blue

Technip is a global leader in oil and gas projects, technologies, systems and services. Technip partnered with Core to prep its flagship vessel, The Deep Blue, for refurbishment in July 2016. The Deep Blue is one of the most advanced pipelay and construction vessels in the subsea industry. As part of refurbishment, the Deep Blue […]
Mobilization of Heerema’s New DCV Aegir

In March 2014, Core served as a shore base for Hereema Marine Contractors and their newest vessel — the deepwater construction vessel (DCV) Aegir. This was the Aegir’s first port call in the U.S. on its maiden voyage from the Netherlands. It was designed for use on complex oil and gas infrastructure and pipeline projects […]
Scrap Steel Storage and Handling

AIA Recycling is a South-Korean company that recycles the steel byproduct of manufacturing in two automobile plants located in the Southeast U.S. This is new steel that can be repurposed and fed back into the manufacturing process. AIA compresses this scrap steel into bundles weighing about a ½ metric ton each. They approached Core to […]
Woodchip Handling for Yildiz Entegre

Since March 2016, Core has provided ongoing cargo handling support to Yildiz Entegre USA, a global leader in the manufacturing of forestry products. Yildiz was seeking to source pine woodchips in the Southeast for use in making medium density fiberboard, and after finding that supply, they needed to engineer an efficient and economical means of […]